
Industry Plant Projects

Qizildaş Cement Factory 5000 ton/day (Bakü/Azerbaijan)

Design of all the steel and reinforced concrete structures with the capacity of 5000 ton/day Cement Factory Bakü/Azerbaijan.
TÜPRAŞ, Türkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.Ş. (İzmit/Türkiye)

At İzmit oil refinerie;
- Design of the steel and reinforced concrete structures in fusel gas system 2E 32A/B, Plt 5-6,
- Foundation design of oxygen tank with a dimension of 40 m according to API 650,
- Foundation design of caustic tank according to API 650,
- Design of the steel and reinforced concrete structures of culverts & pipe racks.
- Machine foundation design of compressors in Flare Gas Systems
- Seismic Safety analysis of control building in plant 25-26,
- Design and retrofit of the steel and reinforced concrete pipe racks,
- Design of the reinforced concrete structures secondary clarifier and aerobic basin in waste water treatment systems,
- Design of all the steel and reinforced concrete structures of permanent and temporary building in sea-water desalination plant, br />
Nuh Cement Factory (Kocaeli/Türkiye)

- Design of all the mechenical steel and reinforced concrete structures of coal stock area and transportation system,
- Retrofit design of cement silo,
Nuh Building Products Factory (Kocaeli/Türkiye)

Design of all steel and reinforced concrete structures of in Nuh Building Products Factory;
- Cover structures in lime kiln area,
- Fluidized bed boiler foundations,
- Retrofit of old aerated concrete plant roof and columns,
- Steam boiler foundations,
Karabük Iron & Steel Plant (Karabük/Türkiye)

Design of steel and reinforced concrete structures of Hot Metal Re-Ladling Pit’s , converter foundation and desulphurization plant in Karabük Iron & Steel Plant
Nacaf Cement Factory 6000 ton/day (Nacaf/Irak)

Design of the steel and reinforced concrete structures substatitions, waste water treatment systems, plant culverts and menhole in with the capacity of 6000 ton/day Cement Factory Nacaf/Irak
Preparing of all architectural drawings of plant in with the capacity of 6000 ton/day Cement Factory Nacaf/Irak
Lebap Cement Factory 1 000 000 ton/year (Lebap/Türkmenistan)

Design of the steel and reinforced concrete structures of cement loading & packing building and waggon loading building in with the capacity of 100 000 ton/year Cement Factory Lebap/Türkmenistan
Polatlı Waste Water Treatment Plant (Ankara/Türkiye)

Preparing of structural design and architectural projects in waste water treatment plant in Polatlı/Ankara.
Prokon-Atakaş Iron & Steel Plant (İskenderun/ Türkiye)

Design of all steel and reinforced concrete structures of substations buildings, Arp(Asid Rejeneration Plant) Buildings and water treatment buildings.
Bartın Cement Factory 3 000 ton/day (Bartın/Türkiye)

Design of the steel and reinforced concrete structures of cement and coal grinding building in with the capacity of 3 000 ton/day Cement Factory (Bartın/Türkiye)
Arıtaş Pressure Vessel Company – Tank Platforms (Hésingue/Fransa)

Design of the steel and reinforced concrete structures of tank platforms and pipe racks in Hésingue/Fransa
Kızıldere II Geothermal Energy Plant (Denizli/Türkiye)

Preparation of steel shop drawing retaled to NCG, Venturi, Turbine, Lubeoil, Hotwell buildings in Kızıldere II Geothermal Energy Plant (Denizli/Türkiye)
ERENCO, Erdemir Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri A.Ş. (Zonguldak/Türkiye)

Reinforcement design of “2-8 mm Hot Rolled Cot to Length Line” equipments foundations and preparation of roads culverts and menholes drawings in Erdemir.
Poti Methanol Storage-Terminal Plant (Poti/Georgia)

Design of all the steel and reinforced concrete structures of Poti Metnanol Storage- Terminal Plant in Poti/Georgia
Substation Building Project In Iraq

Reinforcement design of substation buildings in Al Maimona, Al Qaim, Bquba South, Falluja South, Jameat Kirkuk, Kumait, Mousul West, North Zubair, Sinjar, Soug Al Shoukh, Tal Awenat and West Kirkuk in Iraq.
İskenderun OSB Waste Water Treatment Plant (İskenderun/Türkiye)

Preparing of structural design, architectural and electrical projects in waste water treatment plant in İskenderun OSB.
BASF Chemistry Plant (Kocaeli/Türkiye)

At BASF Çayırova Plants;
- Design of steel and reinforced parts of MCA buildings,
- Foundation design of peroxide and amine oxide tanks.

At BASF Dilovası Plants;
- Design of steel and reinforced parts of IBC building,
- Prepation of architectural, electircal and mechenical drawings of IBC building.
Bursa Yeşil Çevre Waste Water Plant Capacity Improvement Project (Bursa/Türkiye)

Design of all the steel and reinforced concrete structures for capacity improvement projecet at waste water treatment plant in Bursa.
Dragon Oil Blast Proof Substation (Türkmenistan)

Reinforcement design of substatin building according to blast load in Türkmenistan.
Sarıtaş Çelik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (Kocaeli/Türkiye)

Reinforcement design of “DL-2, BK-5, BK-6, RT-3” equipments foundations at Sarıtaş Iron & Steel Plant in Kocaeli/Türkiye.
Hekimhan Mining Plant (Malatya/Türkiye)

Reinforcement design of calcine productine line’s structures in Malatya.
Kavaklıdere Potable Water Treatment Plant (İzmir/Türkiye)

Reinforcement design of sludge dewatering, lime silo, mixing, chlorine contact basin, fresh water storage tank in Kavaklıdere Potable Water Treatment Plant
Dağlar ve Genç Sheep Goat Breeding (Tekirdağ/Türkiye)

Design of all the steel and reinforced concrete structures for sheep and goat breeding in Tekirdağ.
İETT, İstanbul Elektrik Tramvay ve Tünel İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü (İstanbul/Türkiye)

Steel and reinforcement design of hangar for Metrobus in Beylikdüzü for İETT.
Boğaziçi Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. Undergorund Crossing Project (İstanbul/Türkiye)

Reinforcement and steel design of unground crossing culvert for BEDAŞ in Mebusan Street at Kabataş.
Lenkeran Waste Water Treatment Plant (Lenkeran/Azerbaijan)

Design of all the steel and reinforced concrete structures in waste water treatment plant in Lenkeran/ Azerbaijan.
Mingecevir Waste Water Treatment Plant (Mingecevir /Azerbaijan)

Design of all the steel and reinforced concrete structures in waste water treatment plant in Mingecevir/ Azerbaijan.
Eskişehir Biogas Plant (Eskişehir/Türkiye)

Reinforcement design of digester, pre-tank, buffer tanks in biogas plant in Eskişehir.
Adıyaman Waste Water Treatment Plant (Ankara/Türkiye)

Preparing of structural design projects for Sludge Storage Area and platforms in waste water treatment plant in Adıyaman.
Maryy 2000 Potable Water Treatment Plant (Maryy/Türkmenistan)

Design of all the steel and reinforced concrete structures for Marry 2000 Potable Water Treatment Plan in Türkmenistan.

Housing-Social and Spor Facilities

Atlas Vadi Mimaroba Housing Projects (İstanbul/Türkiye)

Reinforcement and steel design of 5 blocks housing projects in Büyükçekmece İstanbul.
Amburan Villas (Bakü/ Azerbaijan)

Reinforcement and steel design of villas in Amburan Bakü.
Niğde University Sport Facilities (Niğde/Türkiye)

Reinforcement and steel design of sport facilities in Niğde University.
Youth Sport Center in Zonguldak (Zonguldak/Türkiye)

Reinforcement and steel design of youth sport center for The Ministry of Youth & Sports in Zonguldak.
Multipurpose Sport Hall in Various Cities All of Türkiye

Reinforcement and steel design of multipurpose sport hall for The Ministry of Youth & Sports in various cities all of Türkiye.
Expo 2017 Art Center (Astana/Kazakhstan)

Reinforcement and steel design of Art Center building in Astana Kazakhstan
Expo 2017 International Pavilions (Astana/Kazakhstan)

Preparing of reinforcement application drawing for International Pavilions blocks.
Haiti Housing, Social and Government Buildings (Haiti)

Reinforcement and steel design of 5 type blocks housing projects, hospital, scholl, police center ang government buildings.
Dispatcher Building (Türkmenistan)

Reinforcement and steel design of Dispatcher Building in Türkmenistan.
LM 6000 Control Building (Türkmenistan)

Reinforcement design of Control Building in Türkmenistan.
Marmaris Residance Project (Muğla/Türkiye)

Reinforcement and steel design of Marmaris Residance Project in Muğla.
Afyon Dairy Factory and Market (Afyon/Türkiye)

Reinforcement and steel design of Dairy Factory and Market in Afyon.
Sultangazi Municipality Service Building (İstanbul/Türkiye)

Reinforcement and steel design of service builnding for Sultangazi Municipality.
Küçükçekmece Municipality District Polyclinic Building (İstanbul/Türkiye)

Reinforcement and steel design of district polyclinicbuilnding for Küçükçekmece Municipality.
SCI Muhendislik

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